Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Virtue Two ..

Some people have a load a family members to back them up, as of me I only have one. Giving up is something I use to do when I got frustrated, things didn't go my way, or just because I wanted to! Even if I wanted to finish something I would be doing it for no reason because no one cared no one really paid me attention like I wasn't there. I could get all A's and all I get is " Oh, Okay that's nice." but if II bring failing grades home everybody wants to get on me. I wasn't getting the push I needed, the support I needed to push me to a brighter future. Until moving with my grandmother. Moving with my grandmother was the best thing that could ever happen to me even when sometimes I struggle now but she makes everything okay. My grandmother pushes me to do my work even when I don't wanna do it, she's right there telling me how  important this is and why I need it for my future. Sometimes when I feel like giving up now I think of my granny and I realize I'm doing this for her and my best friend and that everything will be okay. Take things one day at a time, don't put to much pressure on yourself because times get hard and I don't wanna put to much on me that I feel that I have to give up ever again.

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