Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Virtue One .

Could this be life ?

About 2 years go I lost a bet friend to the prison life for life with no parole. This was not easy nor is it easy now but this is life. After the sentencing of Dequarius I realized that a lot of things I was doing I needed to stop doing before I end up in the same situation. I promised myself that I would let go of doing things that would get me into juvenile or even the county jail. This was letting friends go that was negative and surround myself with people who actually had goals in their life. It showed me that God gave me another chance by opening my eyes by taking my bet friend in a different route. Even the way I carry myself then is no where close to they way I carried myself before this situation happened. I thought pleasing people was a must, when actually it doesn't matter at all. I thought be out there drinking, smoking, stealing, etc was okay, when actually it was not. Now I'm above the influence and I feel so much more happy and comfortable with myself now.

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