Thursday, October 18, 2012


The enlightenment is more real world to how it is today than the puritans.
  Puritans believed that Bible was the law. Their numbers rose from 17,800 in 1600 to 106,380 in the 1700's. The puritans lived a more closed in life, where only god matter. Now there is a lot of different " gods" or some people view other people in a different way. Saying people worship other people instead of god now. Back when Puritans time where present it was either God or the devil. Which is very different now. Their belief where very strong, God was the answer and only him is one of their beliefs. Puritans where around from the 16th, 17th, and 18th century. Actually I think the Enlightenment had outlook on the puritans.
The Enlightenment gave people a different view on how life could really be viewed. This followed the puritans it was formed in the eighteenth century. The enlightenment is also known as the Age of Reason. The enlightenment didn't believe that God was not real, but the did have major doubts about it. They did deny miracles and other things that the Puritans thought was just so true. This gave people the freedom to believe in whoever they wanted to believe in, if the wanted to believe in anybody. Some people believed in man it's self. 
I believe that The Enlightenment had a better impact on today's society. Not because the enlightenment came last but because of the facts. People in this society worship who ever they want it's up to them. Some may even believe in God just view him different than others. Or even believe that man himself is the higher source. 

I picked this picture because of the quote. The quote says " You must be the change you want to see in the world. " - Mohandas K Gandhi. This shows that Enlightenment was a big change in the world society. If the change was not made we could still be living like the Puritans with no freedom on who we wanted to be believe it would just be God or Death. No one wants to die because of the different belief they could have had. The Enlightenment gave us the chance to view other things in the world, have an different outlook on who we wanted to believe in. That gave us an a different view of life really is. That's why I believe that The Enlightenment has the better impact on today's society than the Puritans.

Work Cited:
and Notes .......


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