Thursday, October 18, 2012

Virtue Three ...

I don't like forgiving. Forgiving is another way of giving seconded chances. I don't like giving seconded chances to people, anybody though family, friends, strangers, and all. Even though I know I have got seconded chances I believe that everybody should be honest the first time. Sometimes second chances our not given to the right people. Loyalty is a must with me. I feel that one lie leads to another lie and I don't feel that Lies should be in a relationship. One lie , two lies, three lies and then the friendship, relationship was built on it! It's also a trusting issue I'm not good with trusting new people I rather be to myself then trusting new people. I was not always this way I just believe, that people that should get second chances miss out on it that's why I don't give them. I don't forgive because I don't like the word sorry. The word sorry is like promising that things will not happen again. Some people can't make those promises their to much. Promises shouldn't be broken no matter the situation. I use to believe that promising would keep people in my life. If they promised that they'll always be here they would be. I lost a best friend that can't be here when I need them even though the promise was their it got broken. I will never believe that somebody could be there for me anytime that I need them it's just not something I Could believe. If someone hurts me, continue to lie to me, and be dis loyal to me I wouldn't believe their sorry or forgive them. I wouldn't call it a grudge basically ill just let go of them and move on with my life. 

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