Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ethos. Pathos. Logos.


Ethos is the characteristic spirit of culture, era, or community, as seen in beliefs. This picture shows that testing make up is bad on animals. This advertisement and ethos are related because beliefs shows that animals should not be tested for make up or anything else in that matter that can harm the animals. It also advertise that make up is a good thing to use even if it is tested on animals.


This shows what cigarettes can do to you and your body. Is says it can raise blood pressure, cause major strokes, lead to depression, and it's very addictive. One cigarettes can lead to anything. This stood out to me because of the gun the cigarettes being bullets. Bullets are a threat to a person because it could kill them even harm them really bad and the fact that bullets are cigarettes it shows the similarity.



This shows a liberty showing little kids that water is good. The picture says " A matter of fact the water you drink does make a difference.". By Matt Damon being a celebrity and kids loosing up to celebrities get shows them ow important drinking water is and if he does it so should they. The picture gives an outlook on the higher source giving back to the community.

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