Thursday, October 18, 2012

Virtue Three ...

I don't like forgiving. Forgiving is another way of giving seconded chances. I don't like giving seconded chances to people, anybody though family, friends, strangers, and all. Even though I know I have got seconded chances I believe that everybody should be honest the first time. Sometimes second chances our not given to the right people. Loyalty is a must with me. I feel that one lie leads to another lie and I don't feel that Lies should be in a relationship. One lie , two lies, three lies and then the friendship, relationship was built on it! It's also a trusting issue I'm not good with trusting new people I rather be to myself then trusting new people. I was not always this way I just believe, that people that should get second chances miss out on it that's why I don't give them. I don't forgive because I don't like the word sorry. The word sorry is like promising that things will not happen again. Some people can't make those promises their to much. Promises shouldn't be broken no matter the situation. I use to believe that promising would keep people in my life. If they promised that they'll always be here they would be. I lost a best friend that can't be here when I need them even though the promise was their it got broken. I will never believe that somebody could be there for me anytime that I need them it's just not something I Could believe. If someone hurts me, continue to lie to me, and be dis loyal to me I wouldn't believe their sorry or forgive them. I wouldn't call it a grudge basically ill just let go of them and move on with my life. 


The enlightenment is more real world to how it is today than the puritans.
  Puritans believed that Bible was the law. Their numbers rose from 17,800 in 1600 to 106,380 in the 1700's. The puritans lived a more closed in life, where only god matter. Now there is a lot of different " gods" or some people view other people in a different way. Saying people worship other people instead of god now. Back when Puritans time where present it was either God or the devil. Which is very different now. Their belief where very strong, God was the answer and only him is one of their beliefs. Puritans where around from the 16th, 17th, and 18th century. Actually I think the Enlightenment had outlook on the puritans.
The Enlightenment gave people a different view on how life could really be viewed. This followed the puritans it was formed in the eighteenth century. The enlightenment is also known as the Age of Reason. The enlightenment didn't believe that God was not real, but the did have major doubts about it. They did deny miracles and other things that the Puritans thought was just so true. This gave people the freedom to believe in whoever they wanted to believe in, if the wanted to believe in anybody. Some people believed in man it's self. 
I believe that The Enlightenment had a better impact on today's society. Not because the enlightenment came last but because of the facts. People in this society worship who ever they want it's up to them. Some may even believe in God just view him different than others. Or even believe that man himself is the higher source. 

I picked this picture because of the quote. The quote says " You must be the change you want to see in the world. " - Mohandas K Gandhi. This shows that Enlightenment was a big change in the world society. If the change was not made we could still be living like the Puritans with no freedom on who we wanted to be believe it would just be God or Death. No one wants to die because of the different belief they could have had. The Enlightenment gave us the chance to view other things in the world, have an different outlook on who we wanted to believe in. That gave us an a different view of life really is. That's why I believe that The Enlightenment has the better impact on today's society than the Puritans.

Work Cited:
and Notes .......


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Virtue Two ..

Some people have a load a family members to back them up, as of me I only have one. Giving up is something I use to do when I got frustrated, things didn't go my way, or just because I wanted to! Even if I wanted to finish something I would be doing it for no reason because no one cared no one really paid me attention like I wasn't there. I could get all A's and all I get is " Oh, Okay that's nice." but if II bring failing grades home everybody wants to get on me. I wasn't getting the push I needed, the support I needed to push me to a brighter future. Until moving with my grandmother. Moving with my grandmother was the best thing that could ever happen to me even when sometimes I struggle now but she makes everything okay. My grandmother pushes me to do my work even when I don't wanna do it, she's right there telling me how  important this is and why I need it for my future. Sometimes when I feel like giving up now I think of my granny and I realize I'm doing this for her and my best friend and that everything will be okay. Take things one day at a time, don't put to much pressure on yourself because times get hard and I don't wanna put to much on me that I feel that I have to give up ever again.

Ethos. Pathos. Logos.


Ethos is the characteristic spirit of culture, era, or community, as seen in beliefs. This picture shows that testing make up is bad on animals. This advertisement and ethos are related because beliefs shows that animals should not be tested for make up or anything else in that matter that can harm the animals. It also advertise that make up is a good thing to use even if it is tested on animals.


This shows what cigarettes can do to you and your body. Is says it can raise blood pressure, cause major strokes, lead to depression, and it's very addictive. One cigarettes can lead to anything. This stood out to me because of the gun the cigarettes being bullets. Bullets are a threat to a person because it could kill them even harm them really bad and the fact that bullets are cigarettes it shows the similarity.



This shows a liberty showing little kids that water is good. The picture says " A matter of fact the water you drink does make a difference.". By Matt Damon being a celebrity and kids loosing up to celebrities get shows them ow important drinking water is and if he does it so should they. The picture gives an outlook on the higher source giving back to the community.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Virtue One .

Could this be life ?

About 2 years go I lost a bet friend to the prison life for life with no parole. This was not easy nor is it easy now but this is life. After the sentencing of Dequarius I realized that a lot of things I was doing I needed to stop doing before I end up in the same situation. I promised myself that I would let go of doing things that would get me into juvenile or even the county jail. This was letting friends go that was negative and surround myself with people who actually had goals in their life. It showed me that God gave me another chance by opening my eyes by taking my bet friend in a different route. Even the way I carry myself then is no where close to they way I carried myself before this situation happened. I thought pleasing people was a must, when actually it doesn't matter at all. I thought be out there drinking, smoking, stealing, etc was okay, when actually it was not. Now I'm above the influence and I feel so much more happy and comfortable with myself now.